Sunday, November 11, 2018
Posted at 11:30 AM 0 comments (+)
Something must be wrong with me. Some button or switch must have been flipped the wrong way when I was growing up. I think I grew up wrongly.

Life can't be this hard. I can't be the only who is getting everything wrong.

I spend all my time on Spotify, creating playlist after playlist. I have a different playlist for every sort of mood; for when I feel joyful, when I feel down, when I feel angry, when I need comfort. When I wished I was dead.

I just made another playlist of a few songs that tells me it's okay. It's okay to not have a dream, it's okay to not feel up to anything today, it's okay to feel lost. You can start again tomorrow. You are already doing your best. Everything passes. It's okay.

But now, as I'm listening to this playlist,
I still don't feel any better.

It can't be this hard.
 photo 2013-01-30-14-16-15_deco.jpg


"The war in my body is this; I'm always trying to be a hard person and a soft person at the same time. My soul doesn't know which one to be."

This life is nothing but a short, painful dream.


Layout by mymostloved with script, background and image.